
view of University Avenue, Madison, WI
Bike + Walk = Livable Place. The bike path around Lake Monona, Madison, WI.

Highlights Inside:

Places for People
UrbanThoreau helps to make the connections between community, environment, health, and financial independence. Our project sets out to help individuals and communities act accordingly. Our goal is better places, for better lives, for all.

UrbanThoreau assists communities in creating walkable and bikeable places. And we’re not just talking sidewalks. Aesthetically pleasing, community-oriented places that draw people outside are our specialty. In short, we are talking about placemaking.

The Active Community Environment

Quality communities come out of quality places, and vice versa. We recognize that quality places don’t just happen, they are the result of active community participation. If you want a better place to live, get involved. Get active in your community!

Live well, do well
We have found that self-interests can be aligned with altruistic ideals right at home. Buying Energy Star rated products and using simpler, more convenient tools will make your home more comfortable and your neighborhood more peaceful. They’ll also be quite lucrative as investments. Living greener--environmentally and financially--can be done.

Find out more about UrbanThoreau's current projects and services.