[March 21, 2002]
CONTACT: Mike Barrett; (608)345-2621; Brett Hulsey,
Parking Cash-Out Gives Commuters a Choice for More
Madison — With downtown Madison experiencing
March parking madness, downtown business leaders,
Dane County and private officials today unveiled a
Parking Cash-Out program to reduce traffic, parking,
and pollution problems. Parking Cash-Out allows commuters
to choose between a parking space, the cash value
of the space, or a bus pass.
"With the new buildings downtown, we need more
parking," said Susan Schmitz, president of Downtown
Madison, Inc. "We appreciate local leaders and
UrbanThoreau working with us to open up parking spaces."
It costs $25,000 to build a new parking space downtown,
or $200 per month, according to the Madison Parking
"We believe significant numbers of downtown employees
will volunteer to take advantage of the cash benefit.
That frees up new parking and cuts traffic and pollution
downtown," said County Supervisor Brett Hulsey,
a member of the County Transportation Committee. "The
cheapest, quickest way to create new parking is to
free up existing spaces with the Parking Cash-Out
The program targets employers who are experiencing
a parking crunch. It also benefits employees who want
to reduce the cost of commuting.
The River Alliance already has a model program. "It
is great, I get money for biking and it helps protect
our rivers and lakes from pollution," said Lisa
Goodman, a River Alliance employee.
The downtown Parking Cash-Out program was developed
by UrbanThoreau LLC, a Madison-based consulting firm
specializing in creating places for people.
According to the firm’s president, Michael Barrett,
"This program is available to other employers
who wish to increase their travel choices and reduce
hassle and costs." Employers and employees interested
in setting up a Parking Cash-Out program can contact
Barrett at (608)345-2621.
The Dane County Parking Cash-Out program - Wisconsin
’s first such program – is funded in part
by a Wisconsin Department of Transportation grant.
There will be a public presentation on the program
Thursday night at the Madison Long Range Transportation
Planning Commission in Room LL-130 of the Madison
Municipal Building starting at 4:30 PM.