Zombies vs. Democracy, Part II

Madison’s cops are getting political, i.e., out of line, again. My suspicion is that this is more of a warning shot across the bow by Madison’s Mayor Pave. He has ousted a long line of progressives since his re-election. Now he is ramping up the velocity and viciousness of the ejections to include not just outspoken opponents, but *anyone* who happens to wear the progressive badge–even eminently pliable ones like Verveer. So even the Boy Scouts are fair game.

His latest Boy Scout target is Carl DuRocher, current chair of the Transit & Parking Commission. Nicest guy in the world. His crime was in looking out for bus riders’ interests and following Robert’s Rules of Order.

It will be interesting to see if the alder who represents him will finally stand up for one of her constituents. Already several of the 6th District Alder’s constituents have been dumped from various city commissions for the crime of <*gasp*> doing the right thing.

The drumbeat has also begun against a hardworking citizen Parks Commissioner as well as a Water Utility Board member (both also of the 6th Aldermanic District). (More on those soon.)