Yet Another Energy Mirage

We’ve been promised nuclear energy that would be clean (what about all that irradiated forever-waste?) and too-cheap-to-meter (why is it so expensive to mine uranium, run the plants and clean up the waste?), coal power that would last us for 400 years (while frying our atmosphere and making the Appalachians a moonscape in the meantime), bio-fuels that would save farming and the American Way of Life (while generating less energy than goes into the bio-fuel production process), and most recently, we’ve been promised “clean burning” natural gas. Well, T. Boone, now we know gas ain’t so clean after all. Not only does the new extraction technique pollute our waters, we also know that natural gas belches up a lot of CO2 in the drilling & extraction process.

It’s one energy mirage after another.

Get over it folks & face reality: you’ll just have to learn how to live with a lot less energy gluttony. Every concentrated energy source is extremely entropic (i.e., environmentally damaging, btw). Yes, even wind & solar if we intend to deploy them at massive industrial scales.