Wisconsin Association of Lakes Job Posting: Communications Director

This will be the first in an occasional series of job postings. I know some of my readers are undergoing, ahem, shall we say, life transitions given the state of the economy & so forth, so I’m going to post whatever job listings come my way. Just my little effort to help in one little way. I’m on several listservs, some of which are limited distribution, especially among enviro leaders. So many of the postings will have a non-profit, esp. enviro non-profit bent to them. The jobs I’ll be posting are jobs that either a) have not yet been broadcast into the MSM, or b) never will be. So this will be something of an early warning system, radar over the horizon, knowing-the-right-person(!) sort of thing. I won’t post stuff that I know is already out there, broadcast, in the MSM. Although I guess I might post it if I find out some insider info that might help readers here get the job. No guarantees though. And please don’t email me asking for more info. I post what I know here. For further info contact the organization. Good luck!

This just in today:
[stuff deleted]
The Wisconsin Association of Lakes is undergoing some transition. We have a Development Director starting, and are in the process of hiring a membership coordinator.

Karen has told me that I can’t leave until I replace myself, so if you know anyone interested in being a Communications Director, contact Karen at kvonhuene@wisconsinlakes.org

Please feel free to forward this announcement to others who may be interested, there are so many great folks out there that I am sure I have inadvertently missed someone!


Tami Jackson
Wisconsin Association of Lakes
Director of Communications
Phone: 608-661-4313
E-mail: tjackson@wisconsinlakes.org



