Walker Planning Martial Law


Herr Walker has been violating a court order to return open access to the Capitol for some months now. According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, he has now activated the National Guard to develop military responses to further dissent.

So the military — every officer, every soldier, individually — comes to that line: To kill, maim, brutalize their own citizens; or, to dig deep into their moral being.

This is the time for each & every officer and soldier to review their oath, and understand the constitution — as well as it’s amendments — which they swore to uphold & defend. A quick review of Nuremberg precedents is in order as well.

While I’m no fan of the Egyptian military, and I’m not saying they behaved perfectly this spring, but, civilized people everywhere should applaud their moral bearing in respecting their civilian populace’s right ‘peaceably to assemble.’ In civilized societies, militaries have no business in politics.

This will be a true test of our National Guard’s moral mettle.

As someone who has commissioned service under his belt, I know which side of the line I would be on.
