Talk: The Urban Forest is Broken: Solutions for a Pending Crisis

Large Trees, Suspended Pavement & Stormwater Management will be discussed by Peter McDonagh

When: 6:30pm, Thursday, May 5th, 2011

Where: Bethany Evangelical Free Church, 301 Riverside Dr., Madison

What: This one-hour session highlights how large soil volumes under pavement for Urban Forests are currently being installed around the world. The integration of these green utilities with uncompacted soils, trees and stormwater into our urban areas substantially improves their design sustainability. These are Urban Forests that fulfill their promise of alleviating some of our most pressing ecological challenges – including air and water quality, climate change, flooding and erosion from daily rainfall events. Research tree projects 7 and 25 years old show the superior performance of suspended pavement with loam soil for these dangers. MARQ2, transit streets in Minneapolis, the 2010 Winter Olympic Village in Vancouver, Canada and Waterfront Toronto case studies will be presented showing Urban Forests at scale.

How: Learning Objectives:

* Understand the impacts of current stormwater management and the role of green infrastructure in solving this crisis.

* Understand the elements and complementary roles of soils, large urban trees, and management of urban stormwater.

* Understand technical issues associated with developing effective urban forest systems.

Who: Presenter: Peter MacDonagh, ASLA, CSLA, RHS, ISA, LEED, Director of Design & Science, Kestrel Design Group, Inc. & Adjunct Faculty, Departments of Architecture
and Landscape Architecture, University of Minnesota

& All are welcome!

Questions? Call Anne Walker @ (608) 241-4211