Tag: sprawl

  • Epic Fit to Print

    Epic gets big NYT feature today. It’s just too bad Epic’s brilliant CEO couldn’t have found a way to integrate the company into the urban fabric. The paving of farmland and it’s car-necessary location negates all the groovy-green stuff going into that  oh-so-pastoral office park. I know several long-time as well as newly-hired Epicureans, and…

  • And the Paving Goes On….

    Just sent this to the Long Range Transportation Planning Committee: Dear Commissioners, I have reviewed in great detail Item 5. Informational Presentation on the Preliminary Design of the CTH M Roadway Corridor (Prairie Hill Road to Cross Country Road). How can any of these highway expansion options be acceptable in light of the budget squeeze caused by…

  • CARPC Comes Through for Clean Water

    Capitol Area Regional Plan Commission really came through for clean water in Dane County. (See message below from Stefi Harris.) Many thanks to Western Dane County Coalition for Smart Growth & Environment and CRANES for all of their advocacy & research on this. And it even looks like Falk even kind of stuck her neck…

  • City of Verona Set to Destroy Class II Trout Fishery

    Once again, the Western Dane County Coalition for Smart Growth and Environment has an excellent analysis of how yet another new sprawl development will harm our water resources. 4-5-10 To: Capital Area Regional Planning Commission (CARPC) Members From: Western Dane Coalition for Smart Growth and Environment (WDC/SGE) Re: City of Verona Urban Service Area (USA)…

  • Pay No Attention to the Trainwreck on the Left

    Reluctantly, very reluctantly, and after much pleading from the organizers, I agreed to show up to a meeting entitled, “What’s Up With The Left in Madison.” My reluctance was based in my long involvement with Progressive Dane from its inception (’93?) until a couple of years ago. For all of those years I tried to…

  • Dane County Towns Ass’n: Adjust Your Attitude!

    Dane County Towns Association aids & abets the dismantling of Dane County’s rural communities.

  • Mayor Pave Drives Off A Budgetary Cliff

    Mayor Pave just drove us off a budgetary cliff.

  • Victory for Black Earth Creek!

    Black Earth Creek was just spared another subdivision assault on its water quality. YAAAAYYYY!!!!!

  • T. Wall’s Sprawl: Update on the Bishop’s Bay Paving, Shingling

    Below are the latest updates from the Western Dane Coalition for Smart Growth and Environment (WDC/SGE). Thanks again to Stefi & Arnold Harris for all of their hard work and astute research toward protecting Dane County’s rural areas from sprawl! Pit bulls have nothin’ on them! Remember, the meeting is tonight, Thursday, November 12th at…

  • Mayor Pave Hogwild For Highways

    Mayor Pave’s continuing pursuit pork and a more perfect Schaumburg.