Tag: Deathmobile

  • THE Unreasonable Man: Tim Wong

    From bikes, to buses, to water conservation, to egalitarian democracy, to progressive unionism, to community building, Tim Wong was The Very Unreasonable Renaissance Man of Activism.

  • The Next Messianic Miracle Fuel

    Ok, so lithium is not a fuel, it is a material component for storing fuel– in this case, electricity. Lithium-ion batteries are the latest “green” holy grail. Eco-mirage of the hip. Messianic miracle material for the eco-techie. Any good (paid) environmentalist tell you that if only we had enough hybrids on the road, we would…

  • Detroit Throws in the Towel

    Detroit, as a city is now untenable. One proposal: back to the land! Urban farming on a massive scale. It’s over. The city build by the deathmobile, killed by the deathmobile.

  • Sustainable Sheep Herding

    City of Madison dismisses public input toward a more sustainable community.

  • D-Day for Das Deathmobile

    GM’s bankruptcy is just the tip of the iceberg. The entire auto-centric policy since WW II has been bankrupt from the get-go, starting with that massive subsidy known as the Highway “Trust” (as in ‘”trust us, we’ll make you rich”) Fund started by Eisenhower. Last year, despite decades of subsidy, the “Trust” Fund went bust.…