Please show your support for MSN-MKE Rail TODAY!

From Hans Noeldner:

Transit and Rail Supporters:

Please come and show your support for Madison-Milwaukee Rail TODAY!

What:   WISDOT open house on High Speed Rail station design for Madison

Where: 101 East Wilson Street, Madison  /  map:

When:  4:30-7:30 PM

We (WISPIRG and others) need people outside the building with signs, handing out literature, greeting people who are attending.  We need people inside expressing support.

Please bring a home-made sign – “Rail YES!!” or something short like that.  Spread the word – forward this to other supporters.  You better believe the Great Train Robbery folks will be there trying to derail this. Let’s show up in force and help get that track nailed down!

Bruce Speight /  251-9501  /  658-3517  /

Hans Noeldner  /  608-444-6190  /