Mosiman Promotes the Pave

Mayor Pave that is.

The editorial board got in on the action today as well.

I guess Mayor Pave scored an editorial bifecta as it were.

Both pieces read like they came straight from the mayor’s office. Mosiman’s read like a newsrelease stenographed straight onto the front page. The editorial read just like a blog post by Mayor Pave himself. Oh, wait, there it is, the exact mayoral blog post copied almost word for word by City Stenographer, Dean Mosiman!

Mayor Pave & the rightists at the Wisconsin State Journal seem to be very much in goose — er, lockstep: Pave Here, Pave Now! Pave, baby, Pave!

Exhibit A: Mayor Pave's Bloated Roads to Nowhere

Of course, Mosiman and the rightist editors glossed over Mayor Pave’s highway expansion budget which is increasing at 10 times the rate of inflation + population growth. TEN TIMES! It is interesting how, in the minds of the manly-men on the WSJ editorial board along with Stenographer Mosiman, fiscal conservatism never seems to apply to road expansion.

In academe it’s called cognitive dissonance. I call it hypocrisy.

The Dying Mainstream Media can’t die fast enough.

P.s. I’m getting a kick out of the street sweeping happening at 10 PM tonight in my neighborhood; I wonder how much that is costing in overtime! Is it happening because the mayor will be up for election next spring and my ward votes more than any other ward in the city? Or is it just that robotic reflex: Must. Serve. Cars. Must. Serve. Cars. Must. Serve. Cars. Must. Serve. Cars. Must.