Mosiman’s latest news release for his boss, Mayor Pave.
And the Wisconsin State Journal’s rightist editors are hearing footsteps…..
Mosiman’s latest news release for his boss, Mayor Pave.
And the Wisconsin State Journal’s rightist editors are hearing footsteps…..
3 responses to “Mayor Pave Outsources Press Officer Position to Wisconsin State Journal”
[…] GIGGLE Always fun to see someone more cynical than I. It’s a bit unfair . . . but makes a point nonetheless. […]
Unfair? Oh, Brenda, this Mosiman character has been Mayor Pave’s #1 promoter since the mayor took his rightward lurch back in ’05. Taxpayers could save a hundred grand just by letting go of the in-house press organist, given that she is now redundant.
[…] just loves incumbents. He used to do puff pieces for Mayor Pave. So we know he will go to great lengths to promote entrenched power over challengers. […]