Madison Spring Elections: Revenge of the Zombie Pols

The Revenge of the Zombie Pols is the title of the latest cinematic flop, aka the Madison 2009 spring elections. Look at those endorsements rounded up by the challenger (and ultimate victor) in the 2nd District! That picture of all those politicians who haven’t had an original idea since, oh, 1979 pretty much says it all. (Ok, except for maybe Mayor Pave, who seems to have shut down the idea machine ca. A.D. 2004.)

The scariest of the endorsements was from the Madison Professional Police Officers Association. They even took out a billboard ad against Brenda. What is scary about this endorsement? Isn’t it just another example of the First Amendment in action? Not in this case. Not when the words are backed by the badge & the bullet. The fact of the matter is these are the people to whom society has entrusted a legal monopoly on violence. With such a monopoly goes a major responsibility, that of absolute deference to civil authority. In their minds they may disagree with the politics of their bosses (you know, the ones who write their checks, the Madison Common Council) but they must absolutely defer to our elected officials publicly. That is the oath that they took. By getting involved in the political process, using the badge, backed by the bullet, their endorsement crosses the line: They have taken us from civilization & democracy into the realm of militarism & junta.

Brenda really pissed off the powers that be. And good for her. She denounced the cops for repeatedly flouting the Council’s budgets–i.e., flouting the constitutional power of the purse vested in our elected representatives.

The cops reacted with the reactionary gusto of coup-minded colonels.

This should send a shudder through anyone who believes in civil society.

Brenda’s steadfastness in defense of our democracy cost her personally. But we all gained through her tireless advocacy for a more just, democratic process. In the end she got more good done as an alder than this mayor has as an executive. Good to see that she’s still kickin’ ’em in the shins.