JHO Morphs into LBJ

This past spring I started to compare Jesus H. Obama’s war lust in the outback of central Asia to LBJ’s little misadventures in an obscure corner of said continent* a few decades ago. It looks like the smart people are starting to catch on, and I’ve taken to chronicling those comparisons. This latest comparison came from someone who should know: He was a reporter in the escalation days of Viet Nam.

Indeed, it is a very bad sequel….

1967 = 2009
Escalation = Increase Footprint.
Hearts & Minds = “Disrupt, Dismantle, and Defeat al-Qaeda”
Burning the Village to Save It = Smart Bombing the Village to Save It
General William Westmoreland = General Stanley McChrystal
Objective: “Peace With Honor” = Objective: “We’ll know It When We See It”

More comparisons to come, I’m sure…..

*People! Remember your Risk (you know, the board game): Asia cannot be held! It is a continent of quagmires for all empires, past & future alike!