Jesus Giveth, Jesus Bargaineth Away

Just so His disciples don’t get too carried away in their euphoria over the health care “victory,” Jesus H. Obama announces His plan to keep the flock on the gluttonous energy path.

Drill, Jesus, Drill!

And true to form, this give away to the carbon interests is His opening gambit even before negotiations have begun on carbon emissions limits. Yeah, that’s it, give away every bargaining chip even before the bargaining has begun!

This lead up to the carbon cap talks is shaping up to be a replay of the health care debate: Just like His taking single payer off the table even before getting to the table; or handing over the public option ‘chips’ to the hospital lobby before serious negotiations even begin. Cede ground til there’s nothing much left to cede.

Then declare victory. Then, watch your followers, at the receiving end of an abusive relationship, be thankful for their crumbs. He really loves me. I know He does. Even when He abuses me.

Oh, and by the way, is this really the sort of bargaining that the really smart people at Columbia teach their law students? Remind me to not hire an Ivy League lawyer next time.