Edgewater: Mosiman Churns Out Hammes PR

Once again, Dean Mosiman pumps out what could easily pass as a corporate PR piece straight out of Bob Dunn’s office.

It doesn’t even rise to the level of stenographic journalism. Pitiful.

Too bad our Plan Commission is packed with people who simply don’t understand the concept of appropriate scale.

Then there is Herr Schumacher, bossy & derisive as ever, labeling a proposal to bring the project into proportion with its context, “borderline absurd.”

Borderline might better describe the view he sees in the mirror.

At least the UDC still has a large minority who understand the issue of context. Unfortunately, it was a minority. And we got no help when it counted from my own alder, Marsha Rummel, on this one. (It has become abundantly clear that spatial, contextual issues are not her forte, nor does she seem interested in ramping up that knowledge. But as I explained in my last post, that is a weakness most progressives cling to.)

Unbelievable just how easily progressives cave.