D-Day for Das Deathmobile

GM’s bankruptcy is just the tip of the iceberg. The entire auto-centric policy since WW II has been bankrupt from the get-go, starting with that massive subsidy known as the Highway “Trust” (as in ‘”trust us, we’ll make you rich”) Fund started by Eisenhower.

Last year, despite decades of subsidy, the “Trust” Fund went bust. But no one noticed because, well, it was a project that required massive subsidy from Day 1. But last year’s highway “bankruptcy” provided a nice little “Hah-haaaaaaaah!!!!” moment for fans of Nelson!

And the moneymen are terrified. They’ve been able to paper over their Superhighway Stalinism for decades, but now, people are beginning to peer behind the Rebar Curtain, and they don’t like what they see–debt, dirty air, abandoned city centers, paved over countryside, etc. The moneymen & pavers are indeed running scared.

Maybe now we can embark on the long overdue task of retaking our public spaces and rebuilding our cities from the ravages of Das Deathmobile.