Category: Uncategorized

  • Tim Bawden and His Weltanschauung

    My good friend, Tim Bawden, recently died. He was a treasure to all who love this state, all who treasure the local, the authentic, the sense of place. We got to be friends while grad students in Geography at University of Wisconsin-Madison. The friendship was cemented over beers at the Terrace. The stories are legion.…

  • Nicole Foss: “The Great Recession, Energy Depletion, and Political Turmoil,” at Goodman TONIGHT

    Nicole Foss will be speaking tonight at 7 at the Goodman Center (details below). She is quite a speaker. I went to see her when she was here back in 2010. Her thinking is amazing–bringing together economics, social relations, and the natural/physical world in one very all-encompassing view. She is very good at demonstrating–jargon-free–the physical/energy…

  • Difficult Persons

    Difficult people rock. And roll.

  • Sigourney Weavers to Serenade Walkerville, TONIGHT, 6PM

    Sigourney Weavers Play, Walkerville. Tonight, 14 June, 2011, 6PM  

  • Irresponsible Medicine

    Are they insane? Have our elected leaders never heard of evidence-based medicine? What kills me is that our congresswoman, Tammy Baldwin, makes universal health care her signature issue, but we never, ever hear her resolving to create a medical system that emphasizes health. It is always about more medicine at all costs. Let’s face it…

  • Peripatetic Cyber-Peregrinations May 4 – 7, 2011

    My random perusals….updated periodically. There are always alternatives to fossils! June 1 – 4  New Urbanism conference–Learn about how to make sprawl pretty! Ok, I’ll be nice. Maybe they have some good ideas. But over the years of watching development projects come through the city, I’ve come to the conclusion that for the most part,…

  • Clean Energy? Not So Much.

    It seems that every couple of years another big time enviro of one stripe or another starts hawking some messianic fuel source or another. I’ve gotten into flame wars with “pragmatic progressive” policy wonks over bio-fuels (um, dear, the net gain over fossils? Zero. But I’ve got a machine for sale that runs off of…

  • MGE: The Rustbelt Mindset

    Word has it that Madison Gas & Electric was the lead lobbyist in scuttling the state’s green energy plan during the state’s recent budget deliberations. One major component of the plan: 25% of state’s total energy was to come from renewables. It also included a massive conservation push. There were significant provisions for reeling in…

  • Happy St. Pat’s!

    And apparently the aforementioned saint did more than just drive out snakes….He saved western civilization!

  • Paving As Disease Vector: Road Salt in Drinking Water –> Heart Disease

    More paving leads to more winter road salt application, leading to more salt in our waterways and drinking water. The prognosis for our health is not good.