Category: Madison Politics
48th Race: Selkowe’s Two Degrees to Koch Ca$h
Vicky Selkowe cozies up to the right.
Pave, Baby, Pave!
Madison: A city hardwiring itself for mandatory driving, mandatory energy gluttony, mandatory dirty water, mandatory flooding. Pave, Baby, PAVE!
We’re # 24!
24th sootiest air in the country that is (<-story filed under “Going Green”!). That, after two terms of the green mayor and three (& a half) of the green county executive, add in a population which prides itself on it’s green cred….Who needs Republicans when legions of dutifully voting Plug-in Prius drivers can do the dirty…
It’s Not Funny Anymore: VOTE. TODAY.
Vote today, because, among other reasons, tomorrow, the Victory Coffeeshop will give you a free coffee. Really.
Madison Mayor’s Race Heats Up: Eastside is Groundzero
Radomski is Really Running. Mayor Pave hears footsteps.
A Sad Day for Madison Bicycling. A Sadder Day for Good Governance
It’s budget season, and it gotten ugly. Here’s Traffic Engineering’s personnel budget. Go down to “Pedestrian Bike Coordinator” (Arthur Ross). Note that it is zeroed out in the Executive Budget. Now look one line below it and you’ll see — magically — “Bicycle and Ped. Prog. Mgr.” with a salary approximately 10% less than Arthur’s…
Please show your support for MSN-MKE Rail TODAY!
From Hans Noeldner: Transit and Rail Supporters: Please come and show your support for Madison-Milwaukee Rail TODAY! What: WISDOT open house on High Speed Rail station design for Madison Where: 101 East Wilson Street, Madison / map: When: 4:30-7:30 PM We (WISPIRG and others) need people outside the building with signs, handing…
Mayor Pave Outsources Press Officer Position to Wisconsin State Journal
Mayor Pave and his rightist friends at the Wisconsin State Journal are hearing footsteps….