Category: Madison Politics
Needling the Power: Rummel’s High Road Strategy
Arrogant power wielders and their apologists…..
Water Waste in the Emerald City
The Madison Water Utility continues its boondogling ways–at ratepayers’ expense.
Madison Water Utility’s Science Denial
Madison’s Water Utility Board is set to vote on an expansion of Well 7 (up on Sherman Ave, near Sherman Middle School/Shabazz). To approve it would be a major denial of science.
Mosiman: Flak for the Status Quo
Mosiman just loves incumbents. He used to do puff pieces for Mayor Pave. So we know he will go to great lengths to promote entrenched power over challengers. Here’s his latest girding-for-the-old-guard piece for the council’s aging cheerleader, Lauren Cnare. Just one sentence in the article for the challenger, Barbara Davis. Makes the latter out…
Why Mark Pocan Fails…
None of the candidates in the Wisocnsin 2nd District Congressional race has any interest in taking on the interests which want to bake your world and grind you to dust.
Kipp Pollutes, DNR Stonewalls
Madison Kipp Corp. pollutes, Wisconsin DNR covers up.
Never Leave Home Without Your Geographer: Krugman, Gruber
In my daily dose of Krugman I really enjoyed this: China also derives big advantages from the fact that so much of the supply chain is already there. A former Apple executive explained: “You need a thousand rubber gaskets? That’s the factory next door. You need a million screws? That factory is a block away.”…
Pleasant’s Wrecking Ball
Pleasant & Co. wish to demolish the spirit of State Street.
And the Paving Goes On….
Just sent this to the Long Range Transportation Planning Committee: Dear Commissioners, I have reviewed in great detail Item 5. Informational Presentation on the Preliminary Design of the CTH M Roadway Corridor (Prairie Hill Road to Cross Country Road). How can any of these highway expansion options be acceptable in light of the budget squeeze caused by…
Downtown Plan: Pave the Lakes! Drive a Stake through Miffland!
Madison’s Downtown Plan seeks to kill everything that makes Madison not Rockford: Kill Miffland, Pave the Lakes.