Category: Greenwashers & Greenwashing

  • Downtown Plan: Pave the Lakes! Drive a Stake through Miffland!

    Madison’s Downtown Plan seeks to kill everything that makes Madison not Rockford: Kill Miffland, Pave the Lakes.

  • Pave, Baby, Pave!

    Madison: A city hardwiring itself for mandatory driving, mandatory energy gluttony, mandatory dirty water, mandatory flooding. Pave, Baby, PAVE!

  • We’re # 24!

    24th sootiest air in the country that is (<-story filed under “Going Green”!). That, after two terms of the green mayor and three (& a half) of the green county executive, add in a population which prides itself on it’s green cred….Who needs Republicans when legions of dutifully voting Plug-in Prius drivers can do the dirty…

  • Clean Energy? Not So Much.

    It seems that every couple of years another big time enviro of one stripe or another starts hawking some messianic fuel source or another. I’ve gotten into flame wars with “pragmatic progressive” policy wonks over bio-fuels (um, dear, the net gain over fossils? Zero. But I’ve got a machine for sale that runs off of…

  • Why I’m Voting for Twink

    Twink presses progressive values with a commitment to community and environment as an integral whole.

  • A Sad Day for Madison Bicycling. A Sadder Day for Good Governance

    It’s budget season, and it gotten ugly. Here’s Traffic Engineering’s personnel budget. Go down to “Pedestrian Bike Coordinator” (Arthur Ross). Note that it is zeroed out in the Executive Budget. Now look one line below it and you’ll see — magically — “Bicycle and Ped. Prog. Mgr.” with a salary approximately 10% less than Arthur’s…

  • Mayor Pave Spotted at Eastside Tavern

    Mayor Pave visits the Harmony Bar with an entourage of yes-people. Ick.

  • ‘Sleeper’ items on Tuesday Council Agenda: Before the Pave, the Pipe

    Below is an excellent little analysis of a couple of items destined to be rubber stamped by our paving council this evening. This comes from a small local listserv*: On just about every City Council Agenda you’ll find ‘sleeper’ items — seemingly innocuous — but which have huge implications in future. Twenty-or forty-years from now,…

  • MGE: The Rustbelt Mindset

    Word has it that Madison Gas & Electric was the lead lobbyist in scuttling the state’s green energy plan during the state’s recent budget deliberations. One major component of the plan: 25% of state’s total energy was to come from renewables. It also included a massive conservation push. There were significant provisions for reeling in…

  • Jesus Giveth, Jesus Bargaineth Away

    The co-dependent, abusive relationship between Jesus H. Obama and His flock continues….