Category: Energy Efficiency

  • Epic Fit to Print

    Epic gets big NYT feature today. It’s just too bad Epic’s brilliant CEO couldn’t have found a way to integrate the company into the urban fabric. The paving of farmland and it’s car-necessary location negates all the groovy-green stuff going into that  oh-so-pastoral office park. I know several long-time as well as newly-hired Epicureans, and…

  • Nicole Foss: “The Great Recession, Energy Depletion, and Political Turmoil,” at Goodman TONIGHT

    Nicole Foss will be speaking tonight at 7 at the Goodman Center (details below). She is quite a speaker. I went to see her when she was here back in 2010. Her thinking is amazing–bringing together economics, social relations, and the natural/physical world in one very all-encompassing view. She is very good at demonstrating–jargon-free–the physical/energy…

  • Downtown Plan: Pave the Lakes! Drive a Stake through Miffland!

    Madison’s Downtown Plan seeks to kill everything that makes Madison not Rockford: Kill Miffland, Pave the Lakes.

  • Peripatetic Cyber-Peregrinations

    Miscellaneous readings of late: Free will does exist. Buses have history, too! Jack up the gas tax! For decades I’ve been pushing for radically higher gas taxes, at the pump, as well as carbon taxes & such. This little article earned me many enemies among good liberals*, and my public testimony against Mayor Pave’s dirty…

  • Pave, Baby, Pave!

    Madison: A city hardwiring itself for mandatory driving, mandatory energy gluttony, mandatory dirty water, mandatory flooding. Pave, Baby, PAVE!

  • We’re # 24!

    24th sootiest air in the country that is (<-story filed under “Going Green”!). That, after two terms of the green mayor and three (& a half) of the green county executive, add in a population which prides itself on it’s green cred….Who needs Republicans when legions of dutifully voting Plug-in Prius drivers can do the dirty…

  • Clean Energy? Not So Much.

    It seems that every couple of years another big time enviro of one stripe or another starts hawking some messianic fuel source or another. I’ve gotten into flame wars with “pragmatic progressive” policy wonks over bio-fuels (um, dear, the net gain over fossils? Zero. But I’ve got a machine for sale that runs off of…

  • Why I’m Voting for Twink

    Twink presses progressive values with a commitment to community and environment as an integral whole.

  • Green Your Home + Boost Sustainable Atwood!

    UrbanThoreau LLC teams up with Sustainable Atwood to green homes across the neighborhood!

  • Entropy & Engineering

    Hans Noeldner and the principles of hydraulic engineering applied to our transportation system.