
   Parking Cashout Links



Full Description of UrbanThoreau’s Madison Parking Cash-Out Program (PDF - requires Adobe Acrobat Reader) >>

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more about Parking Cashout across the country >>

sponsors the Madison Parking Cash-Out program >>

Want to set up a Parking Cash-Out program at your workplace? >>


The following are some of the best websites concerning Parking Cash-Out and other Commuter Choice Programs from around the country.

Commuter Choice Programs

A good overview of “Commuter Choice” programs at USDOT’s Federal Transit Administration Site -
This site has probably the best readable descriptions of how the program works vis-a-vis compensation & tax policy

EPA’s commuter choice site
presents a lot of the same info as the FTA site, but also calculates the environmental benefits of PCO.

International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives describes more tax code benefits of PCO within a local government context.

Connecticut’s “Deduct-a-Ride” program has some great sample worksheets to calculate both employer and employee tax-free benefits of PCO’s, transit & vanpool & carpool vouchers. It also details a phased-in implementation program.

King Co., Washington (which encompasses Seattle) has a very well developed commuter choice program - including Parking Cashout - that is excellent It is a great example of how all of the programs could be brought together under one umbrella.
Here is a descriptive report of the trials & tribulations King Co. had in implementing their program.

FTA’s “Commuter choice toolkit” has lots of Q & A brochures (in pdf format) for both employers & employees. This could is good for “at a glance” explanation purposes.

More about Parking Cashout

The philosophical and environmental underpinning of Parking Cashout described by the Sierra Club

The visionary statement by Alan Durn in an Elmstreet Writers Group piece:
The urban renaissance going on across the country keeps running into parking problems—problems that could easily be avoided with a full-fledged cash-out program. Then throw out the old zoning codes and their parking minimums, allow developers to develop more densely, charge market rates for parking and lo & behold, cities will flourish, sprawl will get reigned in, energy supplies will stabilize, air will get cleaner and taxes will go down.